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🩺 10,000+ Patients Served

🚑 In-Clinic & Mobile Treatments Available

👍 May Help Patients With COPD 

Discover breakthrough advancements
in COPD Treatment.

Blue wave

Over 15.7 Million Americans Suffer From COPD

Listed as the 4th leading cause of death in the United States, COPD leaves patients feeling exhausted, out of breath, and hopeless.

Of these individuals, an estimated 5% of patients experience severe Stage 3 and Stage 4 COPD symptoms, including blocked airflow and the sensation of gasping for breath or drowning. Approximately 150,000 Americans die each year because of COPD-related complications.

At BreathePrecisely™, our mission is to turn these statistics upside down and restore hope to those suffering from the disease. That’s why we are studying autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, a promising new regenerative approach to COPD treatment. Through BreathePrecisely™, we hope to provide a non-pharmaceutical avenue to the treatment and management of COPD.

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BreathePrecisely™ Hopes To Pioneer The Way To Hope

Experts in Chronic Respiratory Diseases

To date, this new approach to COPD treatment has been administered to over 10,000 patients suffering from chronic respiratory illnesses and has shown promising results.

Fast & Simple PRP Infusions

BreathePrecisely™ is easy to administer and may be used alongside SOC and current medications to better manage COPD symptoms.

In-Clinic Treatment & Mobile Care

Our cutting-edge healthcare facility provides a private and comfortable setting for patients to receive the cellular therapy. We also offer treatment via our Mobile Care Team.

Regenerative Approach To COPD Treatment

Peer reviewed clinical evidence shows promising results of the use of cellular therapy for COPD treatment. This option may help manage COPD in the elderly as well as severe cases.

Doctor discussing Copd treatment with patient

How Does Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Work?

PRP therapy is a fast and simple procedure that uses the patient’s own blood as a form of cellular therapy. First, the patient’s blood is extracted via IV. The blood is then transferred to a state-of-the-art centrifuge that rapidly spins the blood. This separates the blood into 3 distinct layers:

  • Plasma
  • White blood cells & platelets
  • Red blood cells

At BreathePrecisely™, we specifically target the white blood cells and platelets. We then reinfuse them into the patient’s arm where they travel to the lungs to help alleviate inflammation and reduce your COPD symptoms.

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Who Is A Good Candidate For BreathePrecisely™?

BreathePrecisely™ may be suitable for patients affected by chronic respiratory diseases that cause abnormal airflow into and out of the lungs, including:

  • COPD
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Bronchiectesis

Patients who are looking for new ways to manage their COPD treatment, wish to improve their quality of life (QoL), and hope to increase their forced expiratory volume (FEV) may be good candidates for this new cellular therapy.

BreathePrecisely™ may be a promising approach for COPD in the elderly, as well as patients looking for new severe COPD treatment options.

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Copd treatment nurse meeting with elderly patient

We Hope To Help You Win The Battle Against COPD.

Just take the first step. Here’s what you can expect when you sign up for your BreathePrecisely™ treatment.

What Is Included In The Cost Of My COPD Treatment?

Our team is working hard to receive FDA-approval for BreathePrecisely™. Until then, all treatments must be paid for in full by the patient.

First 2 Platelet-Rich Plasma Sessions

For the initial 2-day COPD treatment, BreathePrecisely™ costs $10,000. This includes the blood draw, centrifuging of the blood, and 2 PRP infusions.

Annual PRP Booster Session

Each 6-month booster and 12-month booster costs approximately $5,000. This includes the blood draw, centrifuging of the blood, and 1 PRP infusion.

Financing Available

BreathePrecisely™ is not yet covered by insurance. Reach out to our clinic to discuss financing options.

Get Started in 3 Simple Steps!

1. Call For Your No Obligation Telehealth Evaluation

Schedule a virtual online consultation with one of our experienced healthcare professionals.

2. See If You Qualify

We're seeking patients with COPD in stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 who are searching for a way to breathe easier.

3. Schedule Your Treatment

Patients will take part in the treatment over a 2-day period at our St. Petersburg, FL location or via our mobile care team.

Take A Deep Breath. You’re In Good Hands.

As regenerative science continues to make leaps and bounds in today’s medical landscape, there is more hope than ever before in finding a long-term solution for COPD and other chronic respiratory diseases. Our team is on the leading edge of this initiative.

“The purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the potential effect of platelet rich plasma-platelet concentrate on lung function and participant- perceived quality of life in patients with COPD using real world data and outcomes between those treated with autologous PRP plus standard of care as compared to standard of care alone.”

ALI SABERI, M.D.Chief Medical Officer
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Are There Associated Risks to PRP?

Autologous PRP therapy is currently administered under 1271 guidelines. PRP uses the patient’s own blood, which naturally reduces risks associated to treatment. However, PRP therapy is not yet FDA-approved, and certain risks may pertain to each individual. Reach out to our clinic for more information.

How Do I Prepare for My COPD Treatment?

If you plan to visit our clinic in-person, be sure to prepare to stay in the St. Petersburg area for 2 days during your initial COPD therapy. The treatment itself is quick and simple. Blood is drawn from the patient and reinjected back into the arm after it has been centrifuged overnight.

Is BreathePrecisely™ Covered by Insurance?

No, Breathe Precisely™ COPD treatments are not yet covered by insurance.

Can I Sign Up a Family Member for BreathePrecisely™?

Family members may be referred to our clinic. However, the family member must sign up for the cellular therapy themselves.

Who Administers BreathePrecisely™?

Our team of experienced healthcare professionals administer the treatment.

Where Is The Clinic Located & What Are The Hours Of Operation?

BreathePrecisely™ is located in front of Northside Hospital at 5880 49th Street North, Suite N-201, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. We’re open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Depending on where you are located, we also offer mobile treatment services. You can email us at info@BreathePrecisely.com for more information.

What If I Have To Reschedule My Treatment?

Please notify our clinic 48 hours before rescheduling.

How Does BreathePrecisely™ Differ From Current COPD Treatments?

Most current and emerging treatments for COPD are pharmaceutically-based. Breathe Precisely is an all-natural, regenerative alternative that uses the patient’s own blood to extract platelets and white blood cells which may help diminish the progression of the disease.

Is BreathePrecisely™ a Good Option for Elderly Patients with COPD?

Yes, BreathePrecisely™ may help patients of any age better manage their COPD symptoms.

Join the Movement To
BreathePrecisely™ Again!

Hope is on its way. Sign up for your COPD treatment today.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.